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Supported Platforms

blackline can obfuscate data in a number of different data stores. Each of these platform will have their own individual adapter python package. If you need to manage multiple platforms just pip install the required plugin.

Data Platform Type Version On Roadmap
SQLite Database 0.1.0
Postgres Database 0.1.0
MySQL Database 0.1.0
mongo DB Database - yes
SQL Server Database - yes
Redshift Data Warehouse - yes
snowflake Data Warehouse - yes
databricks Data Warehouse - yes
Synapse Data Warehouse - yes

If you don't see the adapter you want you can create your own adapter, or open an issue and we'll see if it should go on the roadmap.

Adapter configurations

Data platform adapters are essential components of Blackline that enable it to connect and work with various data platforms, including databases, warehouses, lakes, and query engines. Each dataset requires a corresponding adapter configuration file named .yml that contains the necessary details to establish a connection with the data platform.

An adapter can have multiple profiles, which are used to manage different environments such as development, production, and testing. Each profile contains a type and a configuration section. The type refers to the name of the data platform in lowercase with all spaces removed, and the configuration section contains the necessary connection details for the corresponding data platform.

As an example, the YAML configuration file shown below has two profiles named dev and prd, both of which use the sqlite adapter type to connect to different SQLite databases:

    type: sqlite
        database: "dev.db"
        uri: true
    type: sqlite
        database: "prd.db"
        uri: true

With these profiles defined, Blackline can use the appropriate adapter configuration to connect to the corresponding data platforms and perform SQL operations.